A new travel photography gallery has opened online, showcasing the work of local photographer John Gilchrist. As the gallery develops the gallery will feature stunning images from around the world, capturing the beauty of different cultures and landscapes.
As I said, I am probably the least travelled travel photographer in the world of travel photography and I've not been traveling the world for many years, however, wherever I go my photography reflects his passion for exploration. My photos are not intended to be just pretty pictures; hopefully they tell stories about the places I have met visited and the people I have met.
The gallery is a great place to get inspired to travel. It is also a great place to learn about different cultures and see the world through the eyes of a talented photographer.
Here are some of the highlights of the gallery:
The gallery is open to the public 24/7, viewing is free.
Inspirational Quotes
About John Gilchrist
John Gilchrist is the least travelled travel photographer of travel photographer based in Edinburgh, Scotland. He has not been traveling the world for many years, and his work is yet to be featured in magazines and newspapers around the world. He is passionate about sharing his love of travel through his photography website.
I'm more of a regional traveller myself (a local tourist), however, any travelling photographer has their work cut out, life on the road brings its own hardships and rewards, regardless of location. Hats off to those that make it their business to venture far and wide on an global circuit.
About travelling on a national and international level.
Well, I've made some reference to travel photography in my gallery travel places. Don't expect the world! If I were a travel photographer, I'd be the least well travelled travel photographer on the planet. Ref: Travel photos, journey holiday and day trip ventures, images on the move.
Here there and nowhere in particular, taking the passion on the road. Random locations photographed when out-and-about, places found on my travels or just around the corner in the local neighbourhood. Sometimes subjects are photographed on impulse and sometimes there's a more planned approach.
The least travelled travel photography gallery